The Dread Kaili is the Brainchild of Cosmic Ray (Thomas Bath), who has been involved with the music biz for the last twenty years with varying degrees of whatever ‘success’ actually is. He’s been signed to a well known, large independent label, toured with well known bands, recorded in boutique studios, recorded on a four track in a smelly rehearsal room, played to one person in a pub many times, fallen out with almost all of his erstwhile bandmates at one time or another and been sick in the van too many times to recount. He now makes his living producing music for other people.
To date there have been four albums released by the Dread Kaili. ‘I’ was released in 2020, ‘II’ was released in 2021, ‘III’ was released in 2023 and ‘IV’ was released in July 2024.